Employers have a vested interest in the financial health
of their employees.
Research shows that a stressed out employee is more likely to be disengaged, distracted, to call out of work and to look for a new professional opportunity entirely than one in a stable situation. When your employees are stressed about their finances, it has a very real impact on your organization’s bottom line.
Financial Wellness Programs Foster a Thriving Workforce
Read the report
A report based on MetLife’s 17th Annual U.S. Employee Benefits Trends Study (2019)
Empowering Employees to Improve Their
Financial Wellness
Read the paper
A Sun Life white paper, including a case study on financial wellness programs in the workplace (2021)
2021 PwC Employee Financial
Wellness Survey
Read the survey
Four steps employers should take to strengthen workforce financial wellness (2021)
Emergency Savings for Employees Earning Low to Moderate Incomes
Read the study
Research on how employers can offer emergency savings solutions for workers earning LMI (2022)
Be like Levi’s.
Some really big brands have partnered with QUBER to make a positive impact in their employees’ lives and on their organization’s culture - Levi’s is one of them. Levi’s Red Tab Foundation chose QUBER to help their employees build the habit of saving and learn to do more with their money.
After one year, 87% of their employees said they would have never saved as much money if it hadn’t been for QUBER.
→ Read through our Levi's case study or watch our interview featuring Jenny Calvert, Executive Director of Red Tab Foundation, to hear more about why they chose to partner with QUBER.
How can QUBER boost my organization’s ROI?
Increase productivity
1 in 3 employees (roughly 50 million U.S. workers) report feeling stressed at work. Research by MetLife shows that stress and feelings of burnout directly cause declines in productivity and engagement.
QUBER’s financial wellness programs equip employees with the tools they need to manage their money with confidence, reducing the stress they would otherwise be feeling and carrying with them into the workplace each day. -
Decrease absenteeism
Most employees aren’t stressed about their retirement funds. What really increases absences from work (both physical and mental) is your employees’ day-to-day financial needs - if they can pay rent, support their family or keep up with rising inflation.
An employee that has access to a customized QUBER saving plan can manage their short-term needs more effectively, leaving them feeling supported and less likely to miss work due to financial stress. -
Reduce turnover
According to a study by Morgan Stanley, 60% of employees would be more likely to stay with their current employer if they offered a useful financial wellness benefit.
The ‘turnover tsunami’ is likely creating major challenges for your company. QUBER’s financial wellness programs show your employees you appreciate what they do for you, giving them a reason to stick with your company long into the future.
Q: Why not just give my employees a raise?
A: Most people are very good at spending money but not so good at saving it. Often times when people receive extra income in the form of a raise, they find a new way to spend it each pay period instead of saving the difference. This leaves them with the same (if not new or worse) financial problems and behavioural patterns as they had before getting the raise.
→ If you have questions about why QUBER is the right fit for your organization, our team can help!
When you book your free 30-minute demo of our platform in action, you’ll have the opportunity to ask our experts more about how our program
is the most effective remedy for employee financial stress on the market.
Additional Resources
Wellness Assessment
Request a copy of our financial wellness assessment survey template to learn more about your employees’ level of financial health.
Workplace Wellness Blog
Stay up-to-date the latest trends in employee benefits, learn about financial wellness and gain insight into what employees are asking for.
QUBER Brochure
A summarized PDF on the key points of our program that you can share with your professional peers or HR department.
Explainer Video
A short video that quickly describes how introducing QUBER can make big changes within your organization.